Feelgood Content provides digital content and consultancy for brands, publications and campaigns covering subjects including workplace wellbeing, nutrition, fitness, health, diet, self-improvement and stress-relief.
Our communications and web services are used by organisations including LG Electronics UK, standing desk company Sit-Stand.Com, the Greater London Authority, Julia Bell genealogy and others including community network sites.
Our content and report writing services have helped support the GLA’s Healthy Workplace and Healthier Communities programmes, the Get Britain Standing campaign and numerous citizen action projects. Blogpost writing, newsletters, campaign materials and conference reporting are among our specialities.
We are also regularly called upon to develop healthy workplace campaigns, supporting businesses and organisations to work towards accreditations and actions that can promote a greener, healthier workplace.
All services are available on a contract or freelance basis, so you just pay for the project you require. This helps keeps down costs and means we can be swift and agile in our approach.
Whatever your content needs, our expertise can help.