Tag Archives: recipe

tomato glut salmorejo

Tomato glut salmorejo

Fresh back from a workation summer in southern Spain (more of that to come in a future blogpost), I am missing A LOT about being away – including salmorejo. Turns out it is super-easy to make at home. Perfect if you’ve got a glut of homegrown tomatoes, Here’s how.

This recipe is a translated (and very slightly amended) version of a salmorejo from an awesomely enthusiastic Spanish chef who runs an organisation called Gastronomia y Fitness (@gastronomiayfit on Twitter, where I discovered him). He is 100% committed to wellbeing through food, fitness and eating well.

Super-delicious recipe

His salmorejo recipe is here. It is super-easy and super-delicious. Much simpler than gazpacho, and used in Spain not just as a soup but also as a sauce. Numerous dishes came with either a small dipping bowl of salmorejo on the side, or a thick smear of this delicious tomato-based puree on the base of the plate, when we were in Sevilla this summer.

Perfect for hot weather, I made some tomato glut salmorejo for lunch today and it took less than 10 minutes. Here’s how (serves two):

Throw 500g of ripe tomatoes and 75g of stale bread cubes in a powerful blender along with a small clove of garlic, 75ml of good olive oil and a tablespoon of white wine vinegar. Blitz until smooth. Thin down with cold water to get the consistency you want (depends on whether you are eating as soup or using as a sauce / puree). Salt to taste (go easy!). Chill until needed.

Blitz your salmorejo
Blitz your salmorejo

Serve either as it comes, or throw on some healthy toppings such as hard boiled egg, herbs, or feta.

TIPS: I used the blender rather than the food processor for a more powerful chop, as I was using tomatoes from the freezer (from my homegrown glut) and tough sourdough bread cubes from the end of a stale homemade loaf. I didn’t bother peeling the tomatoes. It is easy to thin down further with ice cold water if it has thickened up in the fridge.

Thanks, Gastronomia y Fitness for your salmorejo inspo – keep up the good work!

Marmalade season comes early…

homemade marmalade on toast
Paddington, eat your heart out!

Paddington the movie: I haven’t enjoyed a movie so much since, oh, Interstellar just a couple of weeks ago. But in such a very different way.

The bear movie is pure delight – I laughed all the way through and even shed the odd tear (of joy) – so what more appropriate way to mark it than by knocking up a quick batch of homemade marmalade?

January is normally marmalade season in my house, when the local greengrocer has bitter Seville oranges on offer. But my 2014 batch ran out a few weeks ago (poor planning) so for the first time EVER I went off-piste with a new recipe. Risky, yes. Worth it? 100%.

Pink grapefruit and lemon glows with a pinky orange tinge and its bitterness zings on the tongue. Perfect on toast for breakfast alongside a cup of jasmine green tea.

Thanks for the inspiration, Paddington. Watch the Paddington trailers on YouTube here.